What our clients say

Before joining MPowered Bodies..I was tipping the scales at one hundred and forty lbs up twenty lbs from my normal weight, going through bouts of depression and in the process of balancing my out of whack hormones. I found myself falling back into binge eating practices something I had not done in years and felt as if food had control over me once again.
After working with Maddy on MPowered Vitality …I felt like I was gaining better control over my eating habits and hormones were leveling out. I was learning to love working out again and my days started to appear brighter and more hopeful.
Some of my biggest achievements I attribute to working on MPowered bodies are..Trust the process!! I battled with this in the beginning as Maddy did not want me in a fat loss phase at first and I could not understand why she would have me eating all the calories when I had twentylbs to lose. But through her education and encouragement I realized that before fat loss could occur I had to get my body healthy from the inside as well as work on my mental space.
As a result of joining MPowered Vitality, I now am…I have a better understanding of how I should be eating for the goals I want to achieve, patience is of the utmost virtue and taking care of my thoughts about myself is a daily work in process that has gotten so much better.
Valeria Stavinoha